

Our company employed the following types of excellence.

Position: 10 workers

1. Male or female, secondary school and above

2. can be hard-working, good health, obedience arrangements.

3. Have the experience of electronics factory is preferred.

4. Basic salary + overtime pay.

Position: 10 foreign trade clerk

1. Male or female, college or higher.

2. With more than one year experience in foreign trade sales, familiar with foreign trade processes, and can operate the entire process of foreign trade alone.

3. English four or six or more, spoken English, fluent in writing, with foreign customers to communicate.

4. Through the exhibition and network platform and other channels, independent foreign trade business, the development of customers.

5. Have better communication, coordination and implementation ability, work at work, strong sense of responsibility.

6. Computer use skilled, office OFFICE, EXCEL, WORD, Photoshop and so on.

7.Familiar with Alibaba, B2B network platform and operation.

8. Basic salary + bonus + bonus

Interested parties please call, or bring the profile, proof of academic copy and other able to prove the ability to work information to the company interview.

Address: Guangzhou City Baiyun District Daganglan Street NO.3

Tel: 13610022802

Post Code: 510430

Website: :www.kunbrand.net











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