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The need to know the individual monitoring system for building different needs

2015/10/16 lounde system

In the face of complex live performances, will be set on the stage alone set a console for the stage monitor. Stage listening sound reinforcement is to let the actors on stage to hear their own perfor...

How is the scene produced in the stage show

2015/10/16 Stage design

Set in the stage put into use to go through the design, technical design, organization, and then can be erected on the stage. Set design is the designer through the understanding of the script to crea...

Site burst sound feedback real-time quick to solve the main points

2015/10/14 Lounder

Most tuners are aware of the dangers of acoustic feedback at the sound reinforcement scene, which not only seriously affects the quality of the sound reinforcement and the atmosphere, but also very li...

Cold light source three primary colors soft spot dedicated to the various elements

2015/10/14 Cool light source stagelight

Cold light source three primary colors soft light is following the incandescent, halogen and other products after the light source. As the cold light source is generated in the electric field under t...

How to design the sound field of Guangzhou Grand Theater

2015/10/13 Guangzhou Audio

Guangzhou Grand Theater with a total construction area of about 70,000 square meters, the core design concept known as the rounded gravel: big gravel includes 1800 theater and recording studio, art ex...

Two best ways to change the reverberation time of the hall

2015/10/9 confuse lound

場。The best reverberation time of the hall is usually for IF 500 Hz and 1 000 Hz. It is based on the subjective sound quality evaluation of a large number of halls, combined with the results of acousti...

2015/9/21 lound

Multi-channel surround sound technology is the first with the development of the film industry and the emergence of. In 1977, Dolby Laboratories successfully developed a multi-channel surround system ...


1. The second-generation 3D fog screen system is a screen that uses an ultrasonic integrated atomizer to generate a large amount of particle fog, combined with the principle of air flow, and can gener...

What do you need to build stage lighting?

2017/10/10 LED Light

Stage lighting has always been a variety of essential items, such as the company annual meeting, party, reception and other occasions, and stage lighting inseparable.First, the stage lighting componen...

How to design bar lights

2017/10/8 Bar Light

Bars as a service place, the atmosphere is essential, and lighting design is an important element of the atmosphere, bar lighting design is not only a few downlights, spotlights design, bar lighting d...











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