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The Effect of Musical Emotional Perception on Reverberation

2015/12/8 confuse Audio

Reverberation is the sound energy emitted from the sound source in the room, reflected back and forth in the direction of the propagation, and gradually absorbed by the wall and gradually decay phenom...

Common risks and coping methods are important elements of stage performance

2015/12/4 Stagelight

The Royal House (The RoyalOpera House) was founded in 1732, 1892 officially won the British Royal Opera House title, is a 280-year-old one of the world famous opera house, is also the London Covington...

Factors that can influence the performance of the performance and solutions

2015/12/3 Effect

Performing artists always want their performances to be praised by the audience, can be fans of their appreciation, but often appear to perform their performance is not satisfied with the situation. ...

The audio backup system includes what is in the studio

2015/12/2 stagelight develope

The audio backup system is an emergency tool to ensure that the program is safe when the audio system is experiencing problems. It requires the audio designer to anticipate and propose contingency pla...

Stage mechanical control of the deep - seated analysis

2015/11/30 stage

At present, the domestic theater stage mechanical control mode is divided into two modes, namely, axis controller + inverter mode and PLC (programmable controller) + high-performance inverter (with s...

TV variety show lighting design LED large screen of the choreography effect

2015/11/26 Dancing Design

LED large screen impact In recent years, with the stage of scientific and technological progress and the means of increasingly rich means, in many large variety show, the traditional design of the dan...

Monitor the four main points of the stage to monitor the TV show

2015/11/25 stagelight

Stage supervision is the director of the drama performance management, is the performance of the scene of the total scheduling, commander. In the course of the show, there is no time and space to stu...

2015/11/13 stagelight

1, in the cold state of the bulb, suddenly push bright (full) light, the result may cause the bulb snapped burst burst; or cause the bulb tungsten wire blown.(1) As the bulb in the production process,...

TV lighting and television art development ladder

2015/11/12 TV Light

As Jiaxing TV (hereinafter referred to as Jiaxing Taiwan) lighting division and stage art design, over the years, I participated in the Jiaxing station news programs and variety show class TV art desi...

Design the acoustics of the Auditorium in the Theater of Minnan

2015/11/9 Audio Design

The total construction area of 27,000 square meters, with a total investment of more than 430 million yuan; reference to the construction of world-class theater level, is currently the worlds first-cl...











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