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Theater building stage lighting elements

2016/1/13 stagelight

1 blindly imitating the European mechanical stage formWhen we are studying the experience of foreign theater construction, we mainly learn from European experience. But a large number of imitation of ...

Control the noise of the studio

2016/1/11 LED LIGHT

1 noise tolerance standardThe noise allowable standard in the studio is determined by the architectural scale of the studio, the type of the program and the nature of the noise, and the economic condi...


2016/1/8 stagelight

Large span lifting stage structure shown in Figure 1, the components for the independent manufacturing, through the connection structure for assembly. As the equipment volume, production and location ...

Record 3D sounds for music classes

2016/1/5 Music 3D

3D is a popular term in recent years to 3D movies, 3D TV, 3D games, 3D projection, as the representative of the 3D imaging technology has become a hot topic in the field of video. And audio, 3D sound ...

New requirements and the characteristics of the new control system in the modern stage of the embodiment of the effect of choreography

2016/1/1 stagelight

This article introduces the design system (hereinafter referred to as ST control system) designed by UK Stage Technologies (hereinafter referred to as ST Company) after participating in the constructi...

Application of Mechanical Lifting in Flexible Driven Column

2015/12/19 stagelight

1 OverviewFlexible drive column device is based on the roller chain drive, combined with a square hollow column with high overall stability and other characteristics developed, and the current flexibl...

The Principle and Design of Music and Stage Lighting Interconnection System

2015/12/18 Music Stagelight

Music is auditory art, color is the visual art, the two act on different senses, but it will have an impact on peoples psychology. People have been feeling the sound and light there is a delicate con...

7 basic conditions determine the stage multi-element centralized control

2015/12/15 stagelight

With the rich form of theatrical stage, the stage of the use of stage machinery, lighting, audio, video and other performing arts equipment types and the number of products are increasing, more sophis...

Monitoring the five major technical entertainment network stage lighting

2015/12/14 stagelight

Stage and its supporting equipment is for the opera, song and dance performances to provide venues, and rendering the scene of the comprehensive facilities, has become an indispensable part of modern ...

Application of Stage Work Lighting System in PLC Reconstruction

2015/12/10 stagelight

Often, according to its function, the theater lighting system can be divided into stage performance lighting system, stage work lighting system and theater conventional lighting system. Stage lighting...











Guangzhou SiCheng Stage lighting audio Technology Co., Ltd | Professional stage lighting manufacturing experience
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