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Guangzhou Si Cheng lighting was awarded 3A reputation enterprises

2017/8/28 sagelight

Guangzhou Si Cheng lighting was awarded 3A reputation enterprises, made the honor of the title! Thinking success in the future, every great entrepreneur is from the beginning of thinking, with the ide...

Think of the light focus on the bar slow shake it entertainment stage lighting project

2017/8/29 stagelight event entertainment

Warmly congratulate Guangxi Liuzhou Baise Bar City grand opening, the project lighting from design to installation, commissioning all completed by the Guangzhou Sicheng stage lighting. This project st...

Sicheng stage lighting choreography effect of the production and form

2017/8/29 stagelight

Guangzhou Sicheng stage lighting professional production stage lighting, built on the stage lighting, lighting sound as one of the structures and commissioning, the achievements of a new generation of...

Guangzhou Si Cheng lighting product quality certification

2017/8/28 Certification

June 8, 2010 Guangzhou Si Cheng lighting product quality certification, further proof of our product for a higher level of product quality concerns, the development of enterprises can not be separated...

Si Cheng Lighting granted to China Performing Arts Equipment Technology Association

2017/8/28 stagelight

Guangzhou Si-cheng lighting audio Technology Co., Ltd. in March 9, 2017 was awarded the Chinese performing arts technology association members, the honor of the continuous improvement of my companys c...











Guangzhou SiCheng Stage lighting audio Technology Co., Ltd | Professional stage lighting manufacturing experience
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