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How the stage lights are maintained

Date:2015/6/3 source:Sicheng Stagelight

Guangdong region since entering the summer, has been showing a large rainfall, many areas have also been the "scourge" of the rain. In the lighting industry,

 we think of Guangzhou Sheng Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. to remind you: the rainy day to pay attention to do the work of the moisture-proof lamps.
Everything electrical products, waterproof basic work to be done, even if some of the lamps themselves is waterproof, but if little as little as possible to the water, to extend its service life is also a certain help.
Because a lot of lamps and lanterns its price is very expensive, and continuous rainfall on the air is very humid, into the interior of the lamp is likely to cause damage to the circuit, 

naturally, the use of the effect of the lamp has a great impact.
  Therefore, we here to remind the majority of activities organized units, pay attention to timely inspection of the lamp storage, if found to have a wet situation to deal with, to avoid unnecessary losses.
  For more information about Guangzhou Sicheng Stage Lighting, Stage Lighting Equipment Factory, led Dyed Lamp, please visit our website: www.kunbrand.net











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