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The history of the evolution of beam lights

Date:2015/5/21 source:Sicheng Stagelight

Beam light is the most common stage of the domestic stage to create a kind of light speed lights believe that many of the audience are much more,

 but you know it changes in the application? Let the stage lighting manufacturers tell you about the beam light Application:

The history of the evolution of beam lights

There are more series of commonly used beam lights, namely 300W beam light, 700W beam lamp, 200W beam lamp, 

230W beam lamp, 260W beam lamp, 330W beam lamp, 1500W beam lamp and so on, and different series of On behalf of the brightness and lighting effects are different.
Popular in 2010 around the beam lights to 300W and 700W of the majority, with a certain sense of light; and the application

 should be said to be more widely from the beginning of 2012 for everyone loved and recognized 200W beam lights, almost reached the blossom everywhere Effect.

The history of the evolution of beam lightsThe history of the evolution of beam lightsThe history of the evolution of beam lightsThe history of the evolution of beam lightsThe history of the evolution of beam lightsThe history of the evolution of beam lightsThe history of the evolution of beam lightsThe history of the evolution of beam lights在這之后,光束燈又不斷發展出230W光束燈,260W光束燈,330W光束燈,1500W光束燈,甚至有了圖案光束燈,即將圖案與光束相結合,成為一種新穎的燈光。 光束燈的應用變化主要是根據它的發展變化而不斷前進的,從亮度、光柱、圖案等方面去改進,讓它在舞臺上散發出更加絢麗的光芒。











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