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Lighting sound LED par light there is the price difference

Date:2015/8/19 source:Sicheng Stagelight

Engaged in the production of stage lighting equipment staff know, LED par light is essential in the stage lighting equipment, 

the current production of LED lamp on the market manufacturers are numerous, given the price is different,

 there are several times or even different times , After all, how these low-cost LED par lamp is made out of it,

 Guangzhou LED par lamp manufacturers for everyone Secret.
Low price means low quality, reasonable low price will promote the industry in the direction of healthy development, 

but blindly cheap will only harm others, so from the long-term development of the enterprise point of view, 

the price war is only a temporary policy. So why the price of LED par light is so different, which is very much tricky. 

Take 54 of the 3W waterproof par light as an example, tell you how low-cost light is how to do it out.

 First in the choice of the lamp beads, the lamp beads work is certainly not so perfect, 

and materials may be replaced by copper wire gold wire, even with scrap to manufacture lamp beads, 

so the lamp life will not be long, And the effect is not stable, in order to deceive the sea, 

businesses tend to virtual standard power, the subject is 3W lamp beads, 

but in fact the use of 1W or 0.75W lamp beads, in order to make it brightness standards, 

businesses generally increase power use , The initial brightness is high, but the attenuation is also fast,

 not a few months on the dark. And then there is in the radiator to start, we all know,

 LED par light at work will emit a lot of heat, if the heat did not get timely discharge,

 is likely to lead to LED par lamp damage, so in the LED Pa The lamp will be installed inside the radiator,

 but poor quality radiator can also achieve cooling effect, but its efficiency is too low, failed to meet the cooling requirements, the long run, will greatly affect the LED par lamp life it.

Lighting sound LED par light there is the price differenceLighting sound LED par light there is the price differenceLighting sound LED par light there is the price differenceLighting sound LED par light there is the price differenceLighting sound LED par light there is the price differenceLighting sound LED par light there is the price differenceLighting sound LED par light there is the price differenceLighting sound LED par light there is the price differenceLighting sound LED par light there is the price differenceLighting sound LED par light there is the price differenceLighting sound LED par light there is the price differenceLighting sound LED par light there is the price difference


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