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LED Dyeing lights boost the Guangzhou International Lighting Festival in 2017

Date:2015/10/21 source:Sicheng Stagelight

2017 Guangzhou International Lighting Festival will be held on November 14, 2017 officially opened, then, across the Pearl River from the Guangzhou Tower and the Pearl River New City East Tower, the first laser to "language" to interact. The lighting section of the biggest surprise than the high tower interconnection lights and 3D holographic sound effect of the opening ceremony, I believe we will bring great shock, the light festival, we can not miss it.
Over the years of the light festival, can bring great shock to the public, with a variety of light patterns, but also to the public feel the unique charm of light, could not help but sigh, the original life of our neglected lights can even To create such a shocking artistic effect, these colorful patterns are made by the combination of countless different sizes of LED dyed lights, and LED dyed lights is an indispensable element in the light section, in fact, LED staining Lights have become a very important part of the stage lighting, leaving the LED dyed lights, I believe most of the stage effects are difficult to achieve, and now, LED dyed light has long been from the stage to outdoor activities, it can provide RGB color mixing and integrated color The effect is pure and rich in color, is widely used in large-scale variety show and entertainment for color rendering effect, and waterproof level can be achieved IP55 / 65, made of aluminum shell and can not hinder its heat, according to practice, Even under long working hours, the temperature of its lamps can still be maintained below 60 degrees, which is the other lights It can not be compared.
Now, this excellent color lights will once again offer us a gluttonous feast, what time will be the shock effect, let us wait and see it.

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