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How to design bar lights

Date:2017/10/8 source:sichengstagelight

Bars as a service place, the atmosphere is essential, and lighting design is an important element of the atmosphere, 

bar lighting design is not only a few downlights, spotlights design, bar lighting design how to enhance the taste, 

which is a lot of knowledge. Modern bar design is mainly simple, bright and mainly, but concise is not monotonous,

 bar lighting design also requires simple, clear, this refers to the text concise, composition should be clear.

 Now the lighting has been designed more extensive and complex forms of expression

, monotonous design has been unable to meet the requirements of the times, so lighting creativity and innovation is the bar design is the first. 

There is no creativity to talk about innovation, creativity needs to form the form, innovation needs to fill the content,

 in the design of bar lighting, form and content of the combination is still the most basic law. 

The design of the bar and the clubs cultural tastes, the local style of the bar, 

the cultural characteristics of the bar itself and the theme of the bar decoration design, and give it the flavor of the times. 

Creative design from the form or content always have its unique, the base "meaning" is not easy to obtain, 

need to dig in life and through a large number of accumulation, summary to complete.

 Bar lighting design innovation needs to seize the main features of the bar, and the flexibility to use the bar design of the relevant factors,

 and now, people on the bar light design is not just consider how the lamp row, what color on the floor, with no scan , 

But should pay attention to the overall shape of the novel, reasonable, including the composition of the theme highlights and the distribution of appropriate,

 and neon light source brightness, light color, light and shadow contrast coordination, the location of the distribution of reasonable, 

direct, transmission, diffuse level And the direction and strength and glare arrangements, control methods and program direction, speed, 

and the surrounding environment of the bar, production, installation of the norms and convenient, easy maintenance, reasonable cost,

 high security, in line with relevant standards, Regulations and other comprehensive factors. Design of the bar when the light, 

creativity and innovation must be a certain way to specific performance, and design of the graphics is the most 

direct expression of the basic method, bar light graphics creativity can rely on ritual thinking and visual communication, 

integration of physics, psychology, Sociology, linguistics, aesthetics and philosophy and other disciplines of comprehensive knowledge.

 Master the lighting design of the bar to help you achieve your career!

How to design bar lightsHow to design bar lightsHow to design bar lightsHow to design bar lightsHow to design bar lightsHow to design bar lightsHow to design bar lightsHow to design bar lightsHow to design bar lightsHow to design bar lightsHow to design bar lightsHow to design bar lightsHow to design bar lightsHow to design bar lightsHow to design bar lightsHow to design bar lightsHow to design bar lights











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