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Guangzhou Si Cheng lighting product quality certification

Date:2017/8/28 source:Sicheng Stagelight

June 8, 2010 Guangzhou Si Cheng lighting product quality certification, further proof of our product for a higher level of product quality concerns, the development of enterprises can not be separated from the quality of products and after-sales service, as one of the lighting sound engineering manufacturers, we Must adhere to the development of a reason enterprise must be the product quality development as a symbol,Move forward a higher step!

Guangzhou Si Cheng lighting product quality certification

The role of quality certification:
The establishment of a quality system is to control all the factors and factors that affect the quality of the product. This is the fundamental way for the business leader to ensure that the quality of the product can consistently and consistently meet the requirements of the standard. A relatively perfect product certification system, before the approval of the certification, the quality of the enterprise system to check the effectiveness and assessment. Only the quality of the enterprise system to meet the requirements of the requirements, it is possible to obtain product certification qualifications, which is approved by the certification body of one of the basic conditions. The establishment of an effective quality system is the core of modern quality management, many companies are not well grasp this. In the implementation of product quality certification, the certification body of the enterprises quality system to check, assessment, in essence, by the relevant experts on the enterprise quality system for the effectiveness of the diagnosis. Even if the experts raised more questions, failed to pass once, to improve the quality of business management is also a great help. As a result, many companies see the process of implementing certification as a process to help them build quality systems, improve quality management and improve product quality.











Guangzhou SiCheng Stage lighting audio Technology Co., Ltd | Professional stage lighting manufacturing experience
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