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Sicheng stage lighting to help Zhejiang love Wei Di culture large-scale lighting show

Date:2017/8/27 source:Sicheng Stagelight

August 28, 2015, Guangzhou Si Cheng lighting to help Zhejiang love Wei Di cultural performance lighting show, the success of the results of the show, eye-catching lights show the program host quality demonstration style:

Sicheng stage lighting to help Zhejiang love Wei Di culture large-scale lighting showThe audience with the main lighting of the Division I 230W shaking his head light to help out, 230W show Ling mirror effect, with a rainbow effect, interpretation of the more real effect, to show people the perfect side, mainly used 14 stage lights shaking his head light 230W , Showing a beautiful simple stage effect.Sicheng stage lighting to help Zhejiang love Wei Di culture large-scale lighting showSicheng stage lighting to help Zhejiang love Wei Di culture large-scale lighting show

Zhejiang Aiwei Te Culture Theater covers an area of 100 square meters, the central hall of 12.5 meters high, with the audience 1000, the modernization of the lighting system and performance stage system, all using computer control, theater architectural style and decorative effect is excellent , The facilities to achieve the advanced level of domestic performance venues, is to hold a variety of large-scale performances and held a high-level large-scale meeting of the best places.











Guangzhou SiCheng Stage lighting audio Technology Co., Ltd | Professional stage lighting manufacturing experience
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