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Si Cheng lighting Sichuan Arc de Triomphe nightclub bar lighting sound success stories

Date:2017/8/28 source:Sicheng Stagelight

Nightclub is a place for leisure and entertainment, the activities are rich, but generally related to dance and dance floor, which of course, shocking shining stage lighting sound works as a strong backing!Si Cheng lighting Sichuan Arc de Triomphe nightclub bar lighting sound success stories

High-quality stage sound, colorful lights, the worlds best music, passionate crowd, people blurred flashing lights, the song dance, glow with young vitality, people temporarily forget the days busy, completely relaxed.

Si Cheng lighting Sichuan Arc de Triomphe nightclub bar lighting sound success stories

Nightclub stage lighting sound engineering by our company think stage lighting equipment factory to Qingqing create! Sicheng stage lighting equipment factory technical team with the nightclub stage decoration features, developed a reasonable stage sound bit,
The main sound reinforcement stage with hoisting way, hanging from different angles over the dance floor, in order to achieve the best stage sound effects.

Si Cheng lighting Sichuan Arc de Triomphe nightclub bar lighting sound success stories

To create first-class stage lighting sound works, the whole intimate for your service! Continue to work hard to create a number of different levels and three different sense of the light sensory world!

Si Cheng lighting Sichuan Arc de Triomphe nightclub bar lighting sound success stories











Guangzhou SiCheng Stage lighting audio Technology Co., Ltd | Professional stage lighting manufacturing experience
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