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Fog screen water mist machine 3D holographic fog curtain specially by the thinking into the lighting sound sponsor

Date:2017/8/27 source:Sicheng Stagelight

Guangzhou Si Cheng Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. fog screen project case, continue to emerge, especially special exhibition Shenzhen Futian era 3D holographic door fog screen, the following Division I project case:

Fog screen water mist machine 3D holographic fog curtain specially by the thinking into the lighting sound sponsor

Exhibits show a variety of
Fog screen by the fog screen generator to produce water mist, composed of water mist imaging media, can directly feel and can cross the projection imaging system. The fog screen implements a method similar to projection, but does not require any screen help,

Fog screen water mist machine 3D holographic fog curtain specially by the thinking into the lighting sound sponsor

The "fog curtain" mainly makes use of the particles present in the air, allowing static or dynamic images to be displayed in a very thin air layer where people can pass without affecting the display of the image.

 Fog screen water mist machine 3D holographic fog curtain specially by the thinking into the lighting sound sponsor











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